Friday, January 30, 2009

Plans for the Weekend- Update

So much for all my big plans. Ended up playing with a 6 week old baby boy all day today and did NOT get near done what I had hoped! Well worth the sacrifice.

This list is getting longer. My goals for this weekend keep changing and growing, and I will be thrilled if I can get even half accomplished.
1. Pack my scrapbook stuff for Ganza NO
2. Print pictures I need for Ganza NO
3. Start tearing down wallpaper in boys' old room, get ready to paint. Ha! Not even close to starting!
4. Clean out the fridge. Oh yeah, forgot about that one. LOL
5. Get all the "regular housekeeping done" YUCK! Done...well almost done!
6. Go for a walk or two.
7. Visit my friend Dusti. NOPE! Change of plans for both of us. Another time!
8. Read. A little bit last night and will again tonight.


aday said...

whatcha reading?

Kathy said...


Dusti said...

I know exactly how that goes... My lists never get done like I want them to!!!